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GM Campaign Prep: Figuring out XP

I've spent the past few weeks putting together a campaign world from scratch to run Kevin Crawford's Worlds Without Number for my main local group. Whenever I do this I build a World Anvil page for it so that the players have a place to find all the information about the place easily.  I am endlessly tweaking rules and adding new elements to things, but with this game I am trying really hard not to install too many kitchen sinks in my world. Believe me there was an overstocked Home Depot worth of kitchen sinks on the first draft of the world.  One of my critiques of Kevin Crawford's -Without Numbers systems (and it's really just the one) that I can't help changing is that XP in the rules as written isn't granular enough. The full XP track is basically 0 to 100 for the full 10 levels. This runs contrary to my philosophy about earning XP in games. From a design standpoint XP is a reward for player involvement. They do some things to engage with the setting and th

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