Monster of the Week #2: Progress and stagnation

Now the second adventure didn't go as smoothly as planned. As you can see there is no write up for this particular adventure. They had followed leads the previous week and had forgotten all about those leads. They were latching on to meaningless NPCs and then harassing them because they were convinced that the person that I made up on the spot when they decided to pursue some angle MUST be an important NPC that is holding out on them. It took me specifically saying he doesn't know ANYTHING, continuing to harass him will likely result in the police being called on you.  I had reached my wits end trying to get the players to interact with an NPC that had answers for them. I mentioned locations and things constantly. There was not a single NPC that they ran into that they were not immediately suspicious of and began to question like a suspect with something to hide.

Not to mention, there seemed to be a severe lack of understanding of the game mechanics of the basic moves as well as the character specific moves. If you don't know how something works in a game, then you should ask a question. Not asking a question and pretending to know the answer will only frustrate things further down the line.

There was no amount of heavy handed clue giving that I use that would get the players on track do solving the mystery. My own fault as a GM for not being better ready for the ADD of my players and their sometimes inability to remember anything about the game for longer than an hour or two. It it was not clear before, I'm still a little salty about this game session.


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