Dungeon World Campaign: Scurvy - Adventure 3
Adventure 3: Is this the treasure??
Player Characters:
Mike as Z - the swashbuckling scoundrel
Stephen as Geralt Darkstar - the pirate alchemist
Z and Geralt woke as day broke the night in the village of the Charleton tribe.
Z immediately set out to mock their belief in the nature gods, but upon approach was intrigued by their casual piety. After learning of the 3 gods they worship in this village (Irwis god of beasts, Jastor god of harvest, Neroth god of ore), Z paid tribute to Neroth by offering some of his finer metal daggers to the shrine. Before he stood from the shrine he felt the presence of Neroth accepting his offering and blessing his quest to slay the slug-headed apes that had been terrorizing the village.
Geralt spent the morning rubbing ointments on his blade in an obscene manner in a dark corner of the village.
After having agreed to stop the slug-headed apes from attacking the village in exchange for magical tattoos from the village medicine man, the party set about trying to convince a group of the villages warriors to accompany them to kill the S.H.A. They managed to convince 7 of the warriors to accompany them.
Upon arrival at the cave, the party set about trying to lay a trap and lure the S.H.A. out of the cave. Geralt climbed above the caves with 6 of the Charleton warriors, while the 7th stayed with Z, who managed to scare a herd of water buffalo toward the cave as a means of luring the S.H.A. out of their hiding place.
The buffalo changed directions sharply after the sound of thunder was heard emanating. The thunder got closer and Z lost his nerve. Luckily for our swashbuckling scoundrel there happened to be a well vine perfectly suited for swinging to the top of the cave. Using his daring devil acrobatics he grabbed the Charleton warrior that was with him and swung to the top of the cave just as the S.H.A. were emerging from the cave to investigate the noise of the water buffalo. Unfortunately Z's sudden change of plan and acrobatics frightened the warrior who cried out as they swung to the top of the cave; which alerted the slug headed apes who started to approach the party.
There were 4 S.H.A. warriors, 2 S.H.A. champions, and 1 S.H.A. Thunderlord.
Geralt sprung into action and leaped off the top of the cave, grabbing branches in trees, and silently moving to the rear of the approaching S.H.A. Landing softly behind one of the apes he slashed at them with his sword, dealing a severe blow. Z immediately finished the S.H.A. off with his throwing dagger.
A struggle ensued that nearly cost the hero's their lives. The thunderlord nearly killed Z with a bolt of lightning. Geralt was being pummeled to the brink of death by one of the massive S.H.A. champions, but Z quickly rallied the Charleton warriors who focused their attacks on the thunderlord. Upon being hit by a throwing dagger and 7 spears, the thunderlord cried out as it died and shriveled up. The other S.H.A. immediately launched into a frenzy and began attacking each other. The party was gonna have none of this nonsense and hauled ass back to the village, spying the last of the S.H.A. falling to the ground dead as they made their escape.
Upon returning victorious to the village, a grand party ensued and the tattoo ceremony began. Z flinched as he received his tattoo, which scarred him, but the Mark of the Silken Sister was etched into his body. It is a large black spider across his back with its legs reaching around to his chest. Granting him the ability some spider abilities if he spends time resting and meditating on the tattoo.
Geralt flinched as he recieved his tattoo and was scarred also, but the Mark of the Hidden Brother was etched onto his body. It is a large chameleon on his chest that is ever shifting colors. Granting him some chameleon like abilities if he spends time resting and meditating on the tattoo.
The party stayed one more night in the village and in the morning set out to find their treasure with 5 of the Charleton warriors that had accompanied them before and Z's plucky crippled son Bert. Luckily they had received some directions from Charles the chief of the village and they arrived at Sandy Point the same day.
Approaching the tide pools Geralt, in his rush to gain treasure, disturbed a hydrodemon, narrowly escaping it's plan to make him lunch. From the shore Z and the warriors began throwing their spears and daggers at the beast. Doing very little damage at first. The beast spewed an inky tar like liquid at Geralt, who dove into the Coral Well to escape the beast. At the same moment Z and the Charleton Warriors managed to land a precise hit that nearly killed the hydrodemon.
Hoping to escape the attack, the hydrodemon dove in after Geralt. Unfortunately for the hydrodemon, Geralt gave zero shits about his own safety and charged directly into the beasts gaping maw and through the back of it's head. Injuring himself greatly as he destroyed the beast.
After the battle subsided, Geralt managed to make the worst tasting fish potion possible and burned his potion cauldron in the process, but it was an effective potion. It allowed him to swim to the sea-floor and recover the treasure with ease.
The treasure of Captain Blood happened to be his as of yet unnamed magical pirate ship that had been contained and preserved within a bottle. Upon releasing the ship into the open ocean the party discovered that this ship was crewed by headless skeletons with clockwork automaton parts in their chests. They also discovered and mysterious and magical map, THAT CANNOT BE MOVED OFF THE TABLE IN THE CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS despite Geralt's best efforts to fuck with it, and a foul mouthed parrot automaton that Geralt argued with for some time.
Where will the wind take the party next?
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