Kickstarter for Blades in the Dark RPG by John Harper
Some of my favorite games that I've not gotten to play yet with my groups are by John Harper: Lasers and Feelings, Ghost Lines, and Lady Blackbird. It is one of several free RPG games he offers on his website: His games are a wonderful mix simplified dice mechanics and character customization that facilitates interactions with the world that further the fiction of the game.
I wanna promote this guy's work, not just because I'm a backer of the kickstarter campaign and your moneys make the moneys I already invested become worth more, but someone who has given some pretty amazing games to the RPG community for free deserves to hit it big with his first commercial contribution to RPGs. He's also licensing the game under the Creative Commons which means that anyone who wants to hack, tweak, or reskin his game is welcome to do so and provide it to the world for free. He's even open to commercial adaptations that receive his approval, the same way Vincent Baker did with Apocalypse World.
This game is exciting for all of the reasons above, plus it is a Victorian steampunk horror setting where you play as part of "a crew of daring scoundrels building a criminal empire in a haunted city full of thieves". There is no part of that sentence that doesn't make me want to play the game.
Even if you aren't into gaming, it's worth chipping in your $1 to the campaign if only to support a hard working good guy game designer. Good ideas from good people are worth supporting.
I wanna promote this guy's work, not just because I'm a backer of the kickstarter campaign and your moneys make the moneys I already invested become worth more, but someone who has given some pretty amazing games to the RPG community for free deserves to hit it big with his first commercial contribution to RPGs. He's also licensing the game under the Creative Commons which means that anyone who wants to hack, tweak, or reskin his game is welcome to do so and provide it to the world for free. He's even open to commercial adaptations that receive his approval, the same way Vincent Baker did with Apocalypse World.
This game is exciting for all of the reasons above, plus it is a Victorian steampunk horror setting where you play as part of "a crew of daring scoundrels building a criminal empire in a haunted city full of thieves". There is no part of that sentence that doesn't make me want to play the game.
Even if you aren't into gaming, it's worth chipping in your $1 to the campaign if only to support a hard working good guy game designer. Good ideas from good people are worth supporting.
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