Dungeon World Campaign: Scurvy - Adventure 2
Adventure 2: Z gets paternal, and the gang finds a lost village
Player Characters:
Mike as Z - the swashbuckling scoundrel
Stephen as Geralt Darkstar - the pirate alchemist
Hiding out at the edge of town in a burned out building, the party sends their only friend in town to go speak with one of Z's ex-lovers, Amanda. When the message was received, she was not pleased in the least with the way the man who impregnated her and left her on an island years ago was now asking her for help to go hunting after some new adventure of his.
The party agreed to head out first thing in the morning.
Amanda having slept her way into the lieutenant governor's bed, sent the city guards after Z to bring him back and suffer for impregnating her and then skipping out on his responsibilities to their child. Luckily for Z and Geralt, Z's plucky half crippled son Bert arrived to warn them of the guards moments before they arrived.
Geralt only ever being concerned with himself and assuming the world is out to get him, immediate leap upon the small boy, kicked his crutch away from him, and threw him over his shoulder to carry him into the building. Inside he concocted a truthiness potion from some healing potions and some poisons he had and forced it into Bert. Bert for his part didn't know what was going on and continued to tell the truth as he had before being force fed a sketchy potion.
Moments before the guards burst into the building, the party escaped out the back, with Bert, and rushed off into the jungle to escape capture. Proceeding through the jungle they came across a Mediterrarian Transport Association (MTA) lumber yard clearing the jungle. They narrowly escaped being caught, but thanks to Z's strange ability to always have a herd of some sort of easily spooked animals close by to distract any potential obstacles.
The party made their way up the river, but unknowingly got snared in some nets. While trying to get out of the nets, Geralt managed to knock both nets down to the ground in a tangled heap. When they manged to look up they found themselves surrounded by a tribe of native people point spears at them. Moments before Geralt took it upon himself to empty his blunderbuss into their faces, the village chief Charles who spoke in English invited the party to eat with the tribe, despite Geralt's immediate instinct to lie, poorly, to Charles about the nature of their presence in the jungle.
The party agreed and went to the village where they smoked copious amounts of halfling pipe leaf with Charles and got some help with a good route to their treasure. Before bed that evening, Charles explained that not only was he not fooled by Geralt's weak-ass lie about the dashingly dressed man with a crippled child on his back and a sinister swamp man with all manner of poisons and potions strapped to him being with the MTA lumber survey team, but the village had recently started to be attacked by a group of slug-headed apes. Charles offered the party a chance to be tattooed by their medicine man if they would stop the ape attacks.
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