Monster of the Week: The Chosen and The Expert Case #2


Jack Wesson as The Chosen

played by Stephen

Martin Moon as The Expert

played by Michael

From the Social Media Feed of Jack Wesson

Case #2:
#BloodyMaryMirror #Yikes! #ChosenOneBitches

Case History

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
Going to bumble fuck country to investigate some weirdness @MartyMoony old friend asked him to take a look at #chosenonebuddies #wearetheprofessionals

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
Officer Snow gave us the grisly deets about the "weirdness" I'm buying him a thesaurus. Face skin falling off hole goes beyond "weirdness" #workingthroughnaseau #whowantsraresteaks

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@MartyMoony got a killer headache. I tried to use "the chosen vision" I think I may have let something bad inside my head. Nightmarish images. There is so much pain left here by this entity.
Martin Moon @MartyMoony
@Jacksthechosenonenow Keep it together. You can power through this Spot anything at the other accident site?

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@MartyMoony It's more of the same here, but it looks like something bust out the back window. I mean out like it came from inside the car. Looks like 5-0 missed that #weirdyerandweirdyer #doyoueveninvestigatebro?


Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@MartyMoony wants to check out an old plantation, swears he knows a trick to see what happened there. Like he can see in the past or some such shit #believeitwhenIseeit

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
Well fuck me if he didn't have a magic gadget that did just that. @martymoony says whatever scared those people to death had help #IsawitandIbelieve #

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony when we wrap this up, let's hit up that county fair, I could kill for some funnel cakes #fattyandiloveit

 Martin Moon @MartyMoony
@Jacksthechosenonenow You'll get your damned funnel cakes when we solve this mystery. Don't go wandering off. There's more to that plantation than it appears, we need more research.

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
If someone had said being the chosen one meant studying like we're on double secret academic probation. #Igotchosenforthis? #ifitaintdigitalitsawasteofmytime


Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoon couldn't find a damn thing at the library. Total waste of our time. heading back to RV to see if some friend of his name Bob can help. #grasping@straws

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
HOLY SHIT! Bob is short for Bobalankithulankinanis Viktonusuluk Osimandarian, aka Bob the knowledge demon. @martymoony has some weird ass friends. #youthinkyouknowaguy

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
Bob says baddies from other planes try to break through to our world by breaking through mirrors. This is way bigger than a serial killing hill billy. We gotta stop a big baddy #howmuchworsecoulditget

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony fucked up the summoning, Bob got away with a lot of our secrets. Damn you @martymoony #thatshowmuchworse

 Martin Moon @MartyMoony
@Jacksthechosenonenow if you hadn't been standing behind him the entire time wielding that god damned chain blade ready to stab Bob, I would have been able to concentrate and gotten the summoning right.

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony that's why I'm the chosen one now. Gotta keep a cool head in tough situations #coolasacorpse

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
5-0 Snow called, more victims, same state as the others. These folks had carnival tickets in their pockets. Looks like I'm gettin my funnel cake after all #trustthefunnelcake #Icouldatoldyouso

 Martin Moon @MartyMoony
If someone had told me when we got here there was a hall of mirrors at the carnival, we could have skipped all that investigation stuff.

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony don't care. funnel cake

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
WOW! Hall of mirrors is a popular ride. Rumors in the line are you can see Bloody Mary in the mirrors if you say her name in the dark 3 times. I'm about to find out. #lovemyjob

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony pulled me out of line, the asshole, says we should sneak into the staff area instead and skip the whole ride. not as fun, but who cares. #restrictedarea #IswearIdidntknow

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
Staff area filled with thugs! They have the Bloody Mary Mirror! @martymoony fumbled it, but I snagged it. We're heading to the abandoned church on that plantation. #holygroundtotherescue

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
Who the fuck called 5-0 on us? We're the god damned good guys! #wtfbumpkinpolice

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony WTF? Don't pull over, get our asses to the church man, we can sort this out when Bloody Mary isn't sitting in my god damned lap #smdh @martymoony #50chasingme #goodguyddamnit

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
Made it to the church. Looks like the lady who stole this mirror beat us here. Don't think they were expecting the entire force of rural simpletons from the police following us here #onestepaheadbyaccident

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
"I've been through some shit, blah blah" This lady knows how to monologue. We ain't got time for this shiz #BloodyMaryalreadyinmyhead


Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony if you hadn't wanted me to destroy the fucking thing you shouldn't have told me we had to #idontevenknowWHATyouwantanymore

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony we stopped Bloody Mary and 5-0 let us go. I'd say we won today. Quit your belly aching. #nevergoodenough

 Martin Moon @martymoony
@Jacksthechosenonenow I didn't say we shouldn't destroy it. I just said maybe it you'd let the lady speak we'd know who sent her looking for the mirror in the first place.

Jack Wesson @Jacksthechosenonenow:
@martymoony shit...good point. Next time I'll be less stabby I swear #learningasIgo


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